Fresh out of high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career or what I wanted to further my education in. I felt pressured to start working and make money or go to college to get a degree. Most of my decisions were based off what others “thought” would be good for me because I had no idea of what my calling or purpose was.
Around age 20 I wanted to be a life coach, but was deterred from that or a psychology background because those careers “don’t make money”; besides, who is going to take life advice from a 20-year-old? I went with what I was good at and what was familiar. I started with personal training, then massage, and finished with my Doctorate of Chiropractic.
While I enjoyed helping people and parts of my job were fulfilling, I found myself ultimately unhappy with my profession and embarrassed to tell people what I did for a living. It wasn’t until later that I realized this was because it didn’t resonate with who I am and how I truly feel called to help others. I struggled to find financial and personal success all through my 20s. At 33 I finally found a good paying job working for someone else, had my own apartment, money in the bank, a new car, and my personal debt paid off. Everything seemed ideal on the outside, but I was unhappy, physically unhealthy, and emotionally unhealthy.
I recognized where I was living was making me miserable, but because of the money, was not going to give it up. It wasn’t until life shoved me in the right direction that I was forced to leave my job and move back home. I felt completely lost because I knew I didn’t want to stay in the profession that was making me so unhappy, but I also didn’t know where to start in expressing who I was and making a
living at it.
I have always enjoyed reading, mostly psychology and self-help books, and wanted to incorporate this knowledge into helping others. It was at this time I was introduced to my first coach, who approached business from a very personal perspective. He taught people how to create a career based upon personal core values. This resonated with me and coincided with what I was already working on at the time. With the help of his coaching, I was able to develop a basis for a completely new business model and was enjoying my life in the process.
I started to personally see the value in coaching, which lead me to my next coach. Having a foundation to work from, she helped me hone in on the specifics I needed to continue to grow. I now had a new business in which I was enjoying the journey not just the destination, and the other areas of my life were also falling into place in the process.